
Depending on your membership level there’s loads of coaching options available to you.

Our Silver package gives you feedback each week from your coach, looking at videos, performance targets and giving you comprehensive feedback, including instructional videos on how to best get the next big improvements from your lifting; our Gold standard gives you more regular feedback, as well as the option to be coached in competition by our licensed and accredited coaches.


Coaching Example: (click images to enlarge)

Discussed current levels of ability, technical issues and goals with athlete; yearly plan with peak competitions and goals agreed and set.


Programming includes all planned sessions, with sets, reps and percentages for each session. The exercises are selected to best eliminate current areas of weakness and reinforce technical areas that we’re working on at the time.


The athelte provides feedback via video during each week.

Analysis, discriptive feedback or coaching videos covering specific corrections are sent back to minimise error and improve technical abiltiy along side the programmed volumes and intensities.


More detailed feedback is utilised as needed, and provided to atheltes to assist them in better understanding some technical components, as well as areas of improvement